
Video Services

Video is an impactful way to engage audiences. While I have done on-camera work as well, many of my services are behind the scene and include: storyboarding, script-writing, onsite directing, interview writing and editing. I can also create short videos from previously filmed clips to use on social media.

Executive Interview with Steve Forbes

This interview with Steve Forbes is an example of an executive video that I wrote the script for, directed and edited.

Executive Interview with John Sculley

This interview with Apple's former CEO, John Sculley is another example of an executive video that I directed and edited from script to final product.

Client Testimonial with Bay Area Business Leaders

This client "mega-testimonial" video is one that I storyboarded, directed and edited using previously filmed clips. This is shared with prospective clients.

Leadership Dialogue with Andrew Gumpert, COO of Paramount Pictures

This is a social media clip of Andrew Gumpert, Paramount Pictures COO, that I created by editing a more comprehensive interview.

Social Media Clip with Andrew Blum, CEO of The Trium Group

Social media is an incredibly effective way to increase engagement. This short clip with sub-titles was used with wide success on LinkedIn and Twitter.