Personal Portfolio

Featured Articles

At heart, I am a content and communications strategist. I love writing and have a talent for taking complex ideas and making them easier to digest. 

The pieces below were placed in a variety of publications and demonstrate my ability to write credibly on a a wide range of topics, using different tones as needed or requested. In the drop-down menu above, you will find other examples of my work.

One Simple Practice to Bring Your Team Together

In a world where business decisions are being made over Zoom calls and emails, the ability to truly connect with other team members has been minimized at best. When your work environment no longer allows for coffee runs, lunch dates, in-office collaboration, and even small talk, relationship building takes a backseat to simply getting things done. Yet, now—more than ever—it is critically important to create and sustain these connections.

It’s a Mad Lib World

No matter who succeeds in November, if we go in with the narrative that “the other side” is [incredibly negative adjective], truly no one wins here.

As an American, who has always proudly flown my flag on the 4th of July, dressed in red, white, and blue, and sung The Star-Spangled Banner at the top of my lungs, I am deeply disturbed by the narrative today.

Regardless of which network or social media channel you tune in to, the dialogue you hear will be eerily familiar. The voices may be differ

Blockchain…a New Link in the Supply Chain?

Blockchain…it is quite possibly one of the most discussed topics but least understood terms on the Internet today. It seems to have heated up overnight but in fact it has been percolating since 2008.

Essentially, blockchain eliminates the need for a middleman to make a transaction. Right now, for example, if you are planning a safari and the tour company asks you to use PayPal to cover the costs, PayPal has to access that money by transacting with your bank. The process can take days (and somet

Breaking Barriers from the Inside Out: Building Community in an Unlikely Group

Mutually exclusive? Irreconcilably different? A couple of weeks ago I would have thought so. To be honest, I wouldn’t have thought much about it at all, because I wouldn’t have been able to imagine these two seemingly incompatible groups of people together in a room. But, spoiler alert…I was wrong. I recently had the opportunity to participate in an Outside Circle Intensive event—and it was unlike any I’ve attended before. For the better part of two full days, I sat alongside 40 or so other peop

3 Ways Sourcing Professionals Can Proactively Address Risk

Risk…it’s a four-letter word. And while it is not as offensive as others, it can have a far worse and much longer-lasting impact on an organization. What is most challenging though is that it can come in many forms, making risk mitigation difficult at best and financially devastating at worst. Geopolitical risk, third party vendors, hackers, terrorists, natural disasters, poorly or inadequately trained staff and other circumstances make the global supply chain vulnerable to disruption, costing businesses millions of dollars annually.

Pack the House with a Powerful Presentation

A great speaker can make even the most mundane topic interesting, and by contrast, a poor speaker can wreak havoc on a hot topic. Have you ever sat in a session and thought about how quickly you can make a graceful exodus without people noticing? A steady stream of people exiting stage left is a telltale sign that the speaker is not capturing the audience. So as you prepare for your next presentation, think about these ten things to pack the house.